Wednesday, February 13, 2013

What I wore Wednesday!

This is an exciting WIWW post for me because not only do you get to see me here but, if you visit another blog you'll get to see Neezy :-)  Stop by ButterBeans&ChicPeas :-)

I was having a little trouble with this one because no matter how many times I tried my camera did not want to focus on me!  No idea why.  Maybe it was because I'm just too lovely today and my camera couldn't handle it?  Nah, that probably isn't the reason.  But I'm going to share with you the best out of the, at least, 20 pictures I tried to take of myself.
On the top: Beatles shirt from Old Navy
On the bottom: Red Camel jeans from... I want to say Belk?
On the feet: Nothing of course, lol

So there you have it. Me, Wednesday and what I'm wearing.

I also wanted to share with you my little Valentine's Day project I did for my oldest.  He's a big Bad Piggies fan and wanted to give Bad Piggies Valentines to his friends at school.  Did you know they don't sell them?  I was kinda surprised!  Well, I decided to make some for him.  So I spent about 4 hours yesterday working on a picture to turn into Valentine's for 20 first graders.

After two hours here is the uncolored large version of the Valentine.  You like?

And finally this morning, my darling husband scanned my colored drawing (not pictured) and made it smaller so we could make lots of little ones. YAY!

Oh and another thing, since this is really awesome and exciting... Neezy slept until 6:40am, which is awesome for him!  For the past week and a half he had been waking up anywhere between 1am and 5am and getting in bed with me.  So, him sleeping that long was super awesome and amazing!  YAY!  

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